My LiF3 My AdV3nTuR3

need some brave, patience, sincere, sacrifice, optimistic, enthusiastic, to struggle in the world...dreams and always create dreams make all coming true with 100%.
understand people and people will understand you...

Sabtu, 18 Agustus 2012

the fitrah days...wish us back to fitrah...

ramadhan running away..leave Allah love behind...sad and also smile around us coz the month of berkah is rinning away...the fitrah day chance coming to us...lets Allah.give us berkah..magfirah and love for all of us...bye ramadhan wish next year we will meet again

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Rabu, 25 Juli 2012

iniloh hidup

This is live...

Every thing could be happen with or whitout our permittion...

When i took this amanah...i just think one thing...i wanna learn....

Time after time was running around and i feel gratefull coz Allah really gave me alot og thing to learn....

How to manage my to do could my ideal my work eccepted by all...

How to do profesionalism...

How to manage alot of thing without pevees...

I just wanna be my self who wanna optimalize my self and to be necessary in life....

Its not easy to be a good person but i try to do the right thing...

I knew exactly when tree grow up and become high high and higher... The wind would be blow fast fast and faster than a small tree...

Coz that the way which Allah create for us to be a good person...

Allah please give me the easieat way to focus in my study...and  i can let my posittion in a good way...i believe You always make a good plan for me coz You are the best planner....

Love u as usual...annaukhibukifillah.....

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Minggu, 22 Juli 2012

ya Allah....

if complain make my self better...i would do that....but complain made my live become worst.

Allah...i believe all were happening with Your permittion.. and like a wind which made leave fall from the branche its coz Your permit..

Allah...i know...its would make me strong...but Allah...please Make me sure if I Would pass all Your test...

Allah...i really pleasure with Your trusty to give me chance as a leader...and i believe its only begining for the next stop place where i would be a great woman....

for this time...i feel so fragil...please Allah make me strong to face all of it before i turn down for my chair...

i wish when i down from my chair...i leave a good thing for my friend and my team...i prepared good thing for we still work togather...and all programe is walk in line...

Allah...i knew..i was doing a lot of bad thing...its becouse i far for You...i really wanna make my self  calm...not full of stress...

Allah please please please give me that....i have to out from this problem...i have to solve this poblem in a week...i haave to prepare the best thing fo my the next chairman....

i believe i can...and i really sure if i can solve all by my self and also my team....

i know i had lost my confident of my self...becouse i works in a lot of preasure...i works underpreasure... but i believe...if Allah prepare me for the biggest one and also the best one...

i have to creat my own dreams again...know im as a worker as lecture and also as a postgrad student...i have to focus and also preparing all confidently...

bismillah Allah i believe i could solve this all....

Allah thanks for Your support.... i find my self you as usual... and Allah is more than when i have a great team thats such a good think...coz i have more than enough....


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Rabu, 06 Juni 2012

the sun must be shinning even the cloudy

Not easy being human dignity not easy being The right person in the right place... but its more easy to be my self with less and more...

People have own way to live and also me... i have my own way to choose what i have to choose...

Life isnt fare but for me its fare...more than everything...coz Allah always give the best for every what i have supose to unregard...

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Jumat, 11 Mei 2012

hemmmm..... its take a long time i haven't wrote here. when i read my old post wow its really-really made me consider if life its mine and Allah will so do the best coz life is once and its never happen again... just smile and keep spirit in is my adventure and its land of of happiness,,, land of creativity... land of dreams,,, for all people in the world...just believe if we life coz one purpose and its will be the mind purpose..not to be success people but also be a happiness people in Allah ways... we have choice to life and also we have time to contemplation, not to be a good person but to be a right person... the person who always with Allah in every single ways... love Allah ever eternity life.. life is time which never look back life is time its will be go by life is time which never happen in twice time life is live so be alive... so let it flow but we have to advantage every single flow,,,, ceuuuummmmaaaannnggggaaaadddddddd Dr.bayu Irianti SST, M.ST (some day its would happen)

Minggu, 15 April 2012

and need charge again

Ini loh yg namanya hidup...ktnya kamu mau tantangan kt ya km bilang sama Allah butuh tantangan ini tantangN....

Syukuri apa yg km dpt...senyum lakukan dgn ikhlas...jgn dipikirin tp dipecahin...jgn cuma dihadapin tp jg dinikmatin....

Km itu kuat sekuat itu wise se wise hamparN itu punya kmampuan jd ceumangDdd milih km krena km mampu bukan karena kepentingN politik Papu...just do the best Jah...terus nikmTin tiap proaesny...tau ga km ini lg blajar bukannya ini yg km minta dr Allah...coba km pikir d by...keinginan km yg mana yg g Allah beri jwban...dr dolo ampe skrg mana jwbN Allah yg mebgecwwakan...inget idup itu pilihan..pilihan u/ lebih baik n idup jg keputuasan.. keputusan u/ melakukan yg jauh lbh baik...

Jadi...nikmatNya yg manakah yg kan kau dustakan.... tak kan ingat hal lainnya....yg penting bukan pandangan org ama km tp pandangan Allah tentang apa yg km lakukan....

Cwumangaddd teman teruskan perjuangan menuju istana Allah...

IkhlS ya....↖(^▽^)↗O(∩_∩)O

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Senin, 09 April 2012

apapun itu bersyukur

Bedanya pemimpi dan pemimpin itu terletak pd huruf N diakhirnya.

Tgl 2 april 2012 adalah hari dimana tanggungjwb baru berada dipundakku...sempat buat galau bhkan tgl 6 lalu sempet buat aku nangis bombay...but thanks Allah i have friend...with there i can share...

Pulang ke bandung namun pikiran tetap tertinggal dipamulang...after read some books...alhamd aku tau apa yang harus aku perbuat...aku tw apa yg hRus dilakukan...main ke curug cindulang....sayang otak masi heng....tPi aku benR2 bersyukur dgn smua yg terjadi...yg jelas aku mau jd human being bkan human doing atau human having...jalanin smuanya lets it flow tp tetep pwrtahanin prinsip...ini hdup jadi harus dibuat hidup...ini hdup jd harus dinikmati...ini hdp jd hRus bgt di ceriain....ini hdp jd jgn sampe nyesel karen smuNya hanya terjDi sekali

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Jumat, 16 Maret 2012

love song....thats song means a lot hahahhaha....laugh by my self...galau galau oh galau...tonight is galau night....but now i knew if everytg only short clSs where Allah wanna me learn more about love...yeah love is love and ita will be only love if u never sacrifice and u never feel that...becouse love its like a chocholate....sweet n bitter in the same way with different story of taste . .

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hemmmm beautiful day....rain and all day rainny... otak direfresh baca media indonesia tentang iptel... indonesia terancamkejatqeguhan satelit rusia.. ditemukan beberapa planet yg mirip bumi di galaksi lain....kaki gajah ternyaa punya 6 kaki... eh maksudnya 6 jari.. 5 jari sebagai penegak tubuh dan 1 nya sebagai keseimbangan dalam hal ini sebagai tumpian...politik heeem ga dibaca hehe still males ngikutin d knapa..leboh enjpybaca iptek sepak bola..atau humaniora...walo beberapa teme. aku bilang kalo dunia g akan manu tanpa adanya politok ga kaya gitu... buat aku ga kaya gt juga... heeeemmmm yg jelas kudu berbenah ni...kudu pasang targetan...haduuuu ko loyo bgt c hari iniii...apa gara2nya ujan dr semalem ga berhenti2 ceumangaddd ah kudu ngelawan ngantuk...kudu ngelawan maleassssss kudu berkreasi....hayu ahhhj

life life is always about life

life is not easy to walk bout we have to make all easy to understand.... this year i have target to collage in postgraduate og Midwifery... but its not easy to reach but i believe i could reach.... in other side i was bored with my job here... maybe i just feel stuck..really need something new to make my self reborn.... smile is always smile every day...but this still need some sacrifice.... i dont know exactly what im gone do what i must do what i have to do.... ya ALlah plisss guide me in life dont let me lost in your universe... wanna screammmm wannna call out.....plissssssssssssssssssssss helppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp when self feel lilbit confuse and also stuck...need some motivation.... ya Allah plis Hit me and wake me up from this dream....

Senin, 06 Februari 2012

the time

O(∩_∩)Ocheeerssss uuuuuupppp.... today i saw kick andy and that make me think mostly...

Just doin everything sincerely thats my motto n i have to keep it...when i saw thats, like i was upgrade my mind....relize me whats my purpose , my principle ....bismillah hope better than this...keep smiling n shining...dont ever think if someone press you hardly but think i have to learn for this....when i take the good in this Allah will give me the other challange... if you think u have done learn here just moving off and find other challange ok you like usually i always do...proud of you like always....just keep humble...w ise and learn....have a good sleep and ready for a new creativity tommorow....0^◇^0)/~@^_^@~

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Sabtu, 04 Februari 2012

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Published with Blogger-droid v2.0.4

ya Allah

Ingin rasanya ku teriak, melepaskan smua beban ini...namun aku berfikir,  ini bukan berada di pundakmu semua by....cukup dengarkan lalu feedback kan pada yg lebih berwenang....even you dont have any time but u have to keep enjoy your life....

Allah mempercayaimu u memegang amanah ini, bukan u membuatmu terpuruk, namun u membuatmu besar...ingatlah mengapa Allah tdk memberikan semua amanah itu d org lain...bukan karena km hebat pandai atau apalah...satu alasan yg pasti Allah ingin km belajar....

Even its no easy but remind if all tbe things happen coz a planer ..and be a part of the plan...

Just faith....o(^^o)o(^^o)o(^^o)

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Kamis, 26 Januari 2012

my dreams....

feel empty..... I have a dreams, if someday i would be abroad... for learn, collage....i have to. really i wanna wanna wanna wanna ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg could i? pokoknya target tahun ini pasca sarjana dulu. tadi udah nanya yang di undip ternyata udah close... artinya tinggal kros cek di unpad. and then kalo unpad belum bisa tembus coba undip lagi bulan juli sekarang ku,pulin dulu duitnya buat bisa kuliah S2 setelah itu hayuuu ceumangadddd buat kejar proyekan abroad harus harus harussss...aku udah BT di Indonesia yang full dengan banyak hal yang ga sesuai prinsip sebel bener-bener sebel..aku ga nuntut lebi, yang aku mau cuma satu aku ingin prinsip aku dihargai aku ingin bisa menegakkan prinsip paling ga berkumpul dengan orang-orang yang punya prinsip sama...aku pengennya begitu..seandainya jalan aku lebih kearah itu, aku lepas impian aku untuk punya klinik dan aku tekunin jalan lainnya yang memang membuat aku seneng and puas... tapi betul aku betul betul ngerasa ga nyaman dengan situasi seperti ini, dimana semua hal dijadikan penilaian semata2 dengan uang atau saat ujian dinilai semata2 dengan poin yang tinggi tanpa peduli degan cara apa dan bagaimana mendapatkannya ...feel suck really2 suck..... up set yes i feel up set.... may be several thinking if is about nothing and it isn't big problem but for me yes... ya Allah You know the best for me just give the best way...really i feel suck here and i need to school again i have to upgrade my information, my mind my thinking.... may be all happen in here its a signal for me to out far away from here....really i need to go, go to somewhere, where are my principle have a point in people eyes.... look my friend who lives in other country, may be not good like i saw and i though but i believe i would be learn more and also alot of people will appreciate with my principle... I'm really think i have to make some ideal and make a step for take all the chance i could take.... bismillah Ya Allah just give me the best way and i will do the best in my own way...

Sabtu, 07 Januari 2012

miss my friend.... kangen banget deh sama temen-temen...wuih sekarang mereka udah pada sibuk sendiri-sendiri, sibuk dengan urusannya sendiri.... but i really miss u guys... when i need to share somethg i would thinking cos u have another business.... 2012 need some resolution... hayoo ceumangaddd targetin buat kuliah lageee...terus temen2 nanya...jadi merriednya kapan hahahha jawab aja dengan santai jika Allah sudah berkehendak lain pastinya akan dipertemukan...toh ga usah takut jodoh ketuker atau ga dateng...when you believe miracle has come... so resolusi tahun ini bismillah semoga tembus di unpad pasca sarjana..need support and also pray for me okay frend... but i'm really missing u guys... kapan ya kita bisa barengan lagi jalan bareng lagi gokil2 masa muda bareng lagi...mengasah kemampuan otak kanan lagi..dengan sedikit mengistirahatkan c otak kiri... kapan ya kita bakalan bisa wujudin impian buat traveling, backpacker bareng kapan yah... bener2 deh guys miss u all banget.... temen itu bukanlah sesuatu yang akan terlupakan atau dilupakan temen itu bukan sesuatu yang akan usang dan terabaikan temen itu adalah yang selalu ada even jarak menghalangi piuh....miss u all maaf belum menjadi teman yang baik :)