My LiF3 My AdV3nTuR3

need some brave, patience, sincere, sacrifice, optimistic, enthusiastic, to struggle in the world...dreams and always create dreams make all coming true with 100%.
understand people and people will understand you...

Rabu, 25 Juli 2012

iniloh hidup

This is live...

Every thing could be happen with or whitout our permittion...

When i took this amanah...i just think one thing...i wanna learn....

Time after time was running around and i feel gratefull coz Allah really gave me alot og thing to learn....

How to manage my to do could my ideal my work eccepted by all...

How to do profesionalism...

How to manage alot of thing without pevees...

I just wanna be my self who wanna optimalize my self and to be necessary in life....

Its not easy to be a good person but i try to do the right thing...

I knew exactly when tree grow up and become high high and higher... The wind would be blow fast fast and faster than a small tree...

Coz that the way which Allah create for us to be a good person...

Allah please give me the easieat way to focus in my study...and  i can let my posittion in a good way...i believe You always make a good plan for me coz You are the best planner....

Love u as usual...annaukhibukifillah.....

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