My LiF3 My AdV3nTuR3

need some brave, patience, sincere, sacrifice, optimistic, enthusiastic, to struggle in the world...dreams and always create dreams make all coming true with 100%.
understand people and people will understand you...

Minggu, 22 Juli 2012

ya Allah....

if complain make my self better...i would do that....but complain made my live become worst.

Allah...i believe all were happening with Your permittion.. and like a wind which made leave fall from the branche its coz Your permit..

Allah...i know...its would make me strong...but Allah...please Make me sure if I Would pass all Your test...

Allah...i really pleasure with Your trusty to give me chance as a leader...and i believe its only begining for the next stop place where i would be a great woman....

for this time...i feel so fragil...please Allah make me strong to face all of it before i turn down for my chair...

i wish when i down from my chair...i leave a good thing for my friend and my team...i prepared good thing for we still work togather...and all programe is walk in line...

Allah...i knew..i was doing a lot of bad thing...its becouse i far for You...i really wanna make my self  calm...not full of stress...

Allah please please please give me that....i have to out from this problem...i have to solve this poblem in a week...i haave to prepare the best thing fo my the next chairman....

i believe i can...and i really sure if i can solve all by my self and also my team....

i know i had lost my confident of my self...becouse i works in a lot of preasure...i works underpreasure... but i believe...if Allah prepare me for the biggest one and also the best one...

i have to creat my own dreams again...know im as a worker as lecture and also as a postgrad student...i have to focus and also preparing all confidently...

bismillah Allah i believe i could solve this all....

Allah thanks for Your support.... i find my self you as usual... and Allah is more than when i have a great team thats such a good think...coz i have more than enough....


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