My LiF3 My AdV3nTuR3

need some brave, patience, sincere, sacrifice, optimistic, enthusiastic, to struggle in the world...dreams and always create dreams make all coming true with 100%.
understand people and people will understand you...

Selasa, 12 Juli 2011

the sad of dark blue

Idont know what was happening today...but I just know one think all happend coz of me and all happen is wrong...
My mind going explod coz I have a lot of things to thinks... I don't know if my decision to go to the work is the wrong coiche..if that's fault I don't know what is the problem wid this...

Some people ungred wid me coz eerything is missunderstanding...
And she angred again like in batam, coz I went to office and she didn't but whats wrong wid it my fault?...huh I really stuck here and I need to go from hee...but I think 4wi gie that's to me to make me brave and wise...

Mistake and all I have to do is mistake...if u asked why I don't know why...

I really think If I didn't make a mistake why I have to be sorry...

I really hate all happend...

Someone was make me little calmdown but I don't know exactly I have to do...

Every people think if I wrong...but they don't know what's my poblem is...

Ya 4wi just U and only U who make scenaryo for just give me the best way and best choice to me...

I know is lie never simple but please 4wi give me the best way in all happening here...I' really stuck and I need to be out...

Adit...thanks, u are the first who give respond in my situation, thanks aa u the scnd people to make me smile...

Just thinking if I have a good friend even I never be good for them...

In the late of night, when my head is tears still fall and its wouldn't to stop...I don't know what's chaos was want to me...but I just believe one think maybe everytg never be the same and I just being the same...

Need some one to understand but I earn that no one could be understan except my own self...

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