My LiF3 My AdV3nTuR3

need some brave, patience, sincere, sacrifice, optimistic, enthusiastic, to struggle in the world...dreams and always create dreams make all coming true with 100%.
understand people and people will understand you...

Sabtu, 11 Juni 2011

meteor shower in the blue sky

hem...just feeling empty don't know exactly what is going on...
my cell phone is damage...can't contact people who love, can't sharing information wid other he,... but i still pleasure i believe if it the best for me...

i know exactly now, if Allah is love me..all happen on me is miracle...Allah dont want me hurt coz something coz of that Allah give me the best way to let something go...

i still hope if i could get my job at UNIBRAW...wish...perhaps after syawal i'll go to Malang hope :)....

have alot plan to do..

about my feeling hemm just waiting for some one who will find me...wid smile

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