My LiF3 My AdV3nTuR3

need some brave, patience, sincere, sacrifice, optimistic, enthusiastic, to struggle in the world...dreams and always create dreams make all coming true with 100%.
understand people and people will understand you...

Kamis, 23 Juni 2011

blue rose isn't a dreams

hem my life is my live...

i have make a let him go and moving on in our own way...
maybe he isn't the best for me but i realize if Allah is preparing me something the best in the future and i believe that...

i have to arrange my list of dreams...
i have to create my own way to reach my own dreams with my own idea...

he not the best for me so i have to waitg and lookig for the best one....

love isnt make our self damage but love is building sometg best...

so gogogo girls... u the best in your own self...
u the best so always do the best...

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