My LiF3 My AdV3nTuR3

need some brave, patience, sincere, sacrifice, optimistic, enthusiastic, to struggle in the world...dreams and always create dreams make all coming true with 100%.
understand people and people will understand you...

Kamis, 17 November 2011

whats a wonderful life hehhehhe.... if people asking me " if you could be reborn, u would choice be who?" my answer taraaaammmmmm i wish born or reborn to be ME... :) i have Allah who always love me coz Allah always give me time to learn more and more.... i have parents who always support me i have sister who always smile and play also learn together... i have friend, the best friend who always remember me in every single path of life people trust me and they enjoy to share sad or happy story to me have smile to share and spared happiness have time to self improvement i enjoy to be me.... bismillah ya Allah, when i remember all the things was happening on me, i smile cos i realized why i have been crying or smiling or mad actually. but after all i smile and i give the biggest smile cos i was idiot if i feel sorry from all the thing was happening on me... love to be me...and i really pleasure about all the things happen.... listen friend story when she falling in love with my friend-actualy some one who i was adore (but now i know the reason why i was adoring him_hahah and i laugh) hope she will get string with him, i realize if she will make him better than before and also she can be happy with him...i just waiting the next invitation, wedding invitation. i will happy when my friend happy.... HIDUP ITU UNTUK DINIKMATI DAN DIMANFAATKAN DENGAN SEBAIK BAIKNYA..........BERBUAT BAIK SEBANYAK-BANYAKNYA BUAT MANFAAT SEBANYAK MUNGKIN SEBARKAN SENYUM SEBANYAK-BANYAKNYA UNTUK MENYEBARKAN KEBAHAGIAAN :) HIDUP UNTUK BERGUNA BAGI SEBANYAK-BANYAK SESAMA :) FRIEND WITH PEOPLE UNDER 10TH YEARS OLD TO KEEP YOUR CREATIVITY AND SINCERE.. AND ALSO FRIEND WITH UPPER 50TH YEARS OLD TO BE WISE PERSON :)

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